"BenKyo League is excellent, and it continues to grow. It is the heart of the BenKyo community, populated with friendly people who watch each other play league games with interest. Stronger players leave variations in game records and there is lively discussion on the BenKyo Discord server. This community is so special that it's hard to put into words. Rather than go into detail about all the great things you can get from Ben, I urge you to check out his Patreon tiers. I strongly recommend players from DDK to 3 Dan to consider instruction from Ben Mantle. "

— Buzzsaw, 8 Kyu
I'm Ben Mantle, Canadian 5 Dan/Fox 8 Dan. I stepped through the Hikaru no Go gateway to this world in 2006, started teaching in 2008, and in 2009 trained in South Korea. After that I took the usual path of university and beyond until finally In 2021 I left my software career to Go full-time. Now I'm teaching, streaming, building the BenKyo community and training to achieve a solid rank of 9 Dan on Fox to challenge the North American Pro Qualifiers!

I think believing in your own potential is the cornerstone of improvement. I like to understand my students on a deep level and draw from my own past experiences to resonate with the student and offer relatable advice and conceptual solutions. "The journey is the reward" is my mantra.


Two Leagues

Main League games in divisions, which works for busy people & the BenKyo League Title Tournament with everyone, all the games you could want!


Teaching Games

Main League games are played with players around your level, but the Title Tournament is a giant free-for-all that lets you play any member at any handicap agreed upon! Interested members can learn from BenKyo and other members how to effectively conduct a teaching game.


Game Reviews from BenKyo

One or more of your league games get reviewed every month during a Twitch live-stream that can also be watched later as a recording.


Comes with Study Group

Study Group benefits are mentioned in the next section (classes, videos, study files, daily posts, homework, homework answer videos, member-run study activities)


Game Reviews from Stronger Members

We have a give-and-take game review system called the BenKyo League Dojo! DDK members are exempt from reviewing for others. Members of the strongest group can request a game review from BenKyo if they review enough for others in the Dojo.


League Prizes

1st & 2nd Place in Main League groups get lessons with BenKyo. Title Tournament participants get fun titles based on various criteria. Winners of either kind get permanent recognition in our Hall of Fame.

BenKyo League also comes with BenKyo Study Group, which includes...

○ Three 1.5-hour interactive group classes per month
○ All group class videos
○ NEW! Daily posts on Discord for members (homework, answer videos, lessons with text & images, more)
○ Additional SGF study files & OGS demos that Ben makes and shares for the group
○ NEW! Member-run study activities (class video watch & discuss sessions, book studies, tsumego solving etc.)
○ Exclusive Study Group channel, where Ben and members share helpful resources and advice

No Participation Requirement

Play any number of games per month. Busy people will love the grouped Main League, super active players will love the free-for-all Title Tournament, and you can play in both!


Fully International

With 45+ members so far, we stretch across much of the globe! Members in vastly different time zones are getting their league games in.


Flexible Scheduling

Games can be impromptu or scheduled, and set up either by chatting in the Discord channel or scheduled in seconds via time slots shared with the Calendly app. Most members have a Calendly but it's not required.

"To me, a teacher is someone who takes your hand to show you the way. They accompany you on your journey and equip you with tips and new ideas. They are your map and compass, steering you back on course when you lose your way. They have the patience to answer even the dumbest questions in a calm and constructive manner and don't mind repeating themselves. A good teacher always considers the pupil's current level and praises or criticizes them accordingly. A teacher should have empathy and the ability to put themselves in their pupil's shoes.

In my eyes Ben demonstrates all of the qualities that constitute my definition of a real 'teacher.' He's really patient, flexible and adaptable."

— Erik
English Instructor, 3-Kyu Go Player

Tier 2 — BenKyo Study Group

  • ● Three 1.5-Hour Interactive Group Classes
  • ○ All Class Videos
  • ● Daily Posts (homework, homework answer videos, lessons etc.)
  • ○ Member-run Study Activities
  • ● Exclusive Study Group Discord Channel

Tier 4 — Disciple

  • ● INCLUDES Tiers 2 & 3
  • ○ 30 Minutes of 1-on-1 Lesson Time Live-Streamed on Twitch
  • ● More Lesson Time = More Familiar, Better Teaching & Coaching

Tier 6 — Adeptus

  • ○ INCLUDES Tiers 2-5
  • ● Another 90-Minute Private Lesson (Total = 2)
  • ○ 2 More 30-Minute Stackable Live-Streamed Lessons (Total = 3)
  • ○ Special Recognition (Details on Patreon)

Tier 7 — BenKyo VIP

  • ● INCLUDES Tiers 2-6
  • ○ 2 More 90-Minute Private Lessons (Total = 4)
  • ● 2 More 30-Minute Stackable Live-Streamed Lessons (Total = 5)
  • ○ Monthly Content Request—Ask Me to Cover a Topic, Pattern or Game on Stream/Video
  • ● Special VIP-Level Recognition (Details on Patreon)

Baduk Beginner?

No need to wait, game experience and guidance from BenKyo League's friendly family of helpful members is the best way to race through the DDK levels!

Advanced Player?

We have motivated members of all levels, Beginner to 4 Dan, all striving to improve, sharing what they learn and having a great time together on Discord and OGS!
